Edit Opening
The edit opening screen allows you to enter moves into the current opening. You can enter moves manually by moving pieces on the board, or automatically by importing a PGN file. You can also add graphics such as colored arrows and squares (with a long press on the board) to illustrate tactical points.
When you navigate through an opening, the moves are displayed in a list to the right of the chessboard.
You can select a move from the list by performing a regular click on it.
If you wish, you can reorder the moves in the list by performing a long press on the move you want to reorder.

Allows you to enter a comment for the current position.

Allows you to go back to initial position.

Allows you to go back to the previous branch split.

Allows you to go back to the previous position. A long press will also go back to the previous branch split.

Allows you to flip the board.

Allows you to import (or export) a PGN file.

Starts (or stops) the Stockfish chess engine and displays the two best moves (1st = gold, 2nd = silver) for the current position. This icon is flashing green when the engine is on.

Allows you to execute the current move (or the selected move in the list).
Note that this button is disabled when several moves exist for a given position, in which case selecting a move in the list will enable this button.

Allows you to enter the probability of occurrence (low, normal or high) of the selected move during a game. This parameter is used when training in random mode only. In random mode, the computer simulates opponent moves based on the probability of occurrence of each move during a game. A move with a higher probability of occurrence will be submitted more often and vice versa.

Allows you to delete the selected move.

A long press on the board allows you to:
copy the FEN of the current position to clipboard; or
set the current position as a favorite position (a yellow star will appear at top right of the chessboard); or
add graphics to illustrate tactical points (colored arrows and colored squares).
Note: Favorite positions are used when training with flash cards. In the flash cards training panel there is an option to train only the favorite positions instead of training all positions.